Chapter Affiliation
If you’re ready to take your business program and experience to the next level, then connect with us so we can help you get started with FBLA!
Steps to Get Started with FBLA
1. Complete an FBLA Interest Form
This helps us get to know you and why you are interested in starting an FBLA chapter. It also allows us to help identify that your school meets the requirements to have an FBLA on campus.
2. Affiliate with FBLA
3. Get Started with FBLA!

Have additional questions about joining FBLA?
Contact us at

Affiliation Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my school have an active FBLA chapter?
If you’re interested in FBLA, your school may already have a chapter. FBLA is an opportunity that is accessible to students who are enrolled in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) business program, so you will need to be a part of your school’s business program to participate in FBLA. To view a list of active FBLA chapters in California, click here.
What are the requirements to start an FBLA chapter, and why are these requirements in place?
To learn more about the affiliation requirements for a school to start FBLA, click here.
Future Business Leaders of America is a national organization that has granted a state charter to the California Department of Education (CDE). In addition to being the charter holder, the CDE manages the approval of all FBLA chapters in California and also funds California FBLA operations. For more information about affiliation and the CDE, you can reference the Affiliation Guide.
Our school does not meet the requirements for an FBLA chapter. What steps can our school take to become eligible?
FBLA is a valuable addition to any business program/pathway and school. If your school does not have a business program/pathway in place, getting one started would be a great place to start.
Starting a program or pathway would need to be initiated with your school administration. The Affiliation Guide is an excellent resource to present to your administration to learn more about the benefits of FBLA on campus. If you need additional help or guidance in this area, please contact us at