Prepare for a Successful Career in Business
Do you dream of being the next big leader in business? Career opportunities are at a monumental high, but the college admissions process and job search after high school can be tough. With more and more people entering business fields, it’s more important than ever to stand out from the crowd. FBLA goes beyond the classroom and equips you with the leadership skills and real-world experience to succeed in college and career.
Updated for 2024-2025
Additional Resources
Production Tests
FBLA Competition List and Downloadable Guidelines
Through hands-on competitive events, you can earn recognition and awards by competing in business and career-related academic competitions. At our State Leadership Conference, you compete against others in the state and put your business knowledge and skills to the test. Top state winners are then eligible to compete for national awards at the National Leadership Conference.
Note: Each link will download a PDF file of that event’s guidelines. Check your downloads folder.
Interview, Presentation and Speech Events
American Enterprise Project
Broadcast Journalism
Business Ethics
Business Plan
Coding & Programming
Community Service Project
Computer Game & Simulation Programming
Data Analysis
Digital Animation
Digital Video Production
Electronic Career Portfolio
Exploring Public Speaking (Middle School)
Financial Statement Analysis
Future Business Educator
Future Business Leader
Graphic Design
Impromptu Speaking
Introduction to Business Presentation
Introduction to Programming
Introduction to Public Speaking
Introduction to Social Media Strategy
Job Interview
Local Chapter Annual Business Report
Mobile Application Development
Partnership with Business Project
Public Service Announcement
Public Speaking
Sales Presentation
Social Media Strategies
Visual Design
Website Coding & Development
Website Design
Production Test Events
Computer Applications
Spreadsheet Applications
Word Processing
Objective Tests
Accounting I
Accounting II
Business Communication
Business Etiquette (Middle School)
Business Law
Career Exploration (Middle School)
Computer Problem Solving
Digital Citizenship (Middle School)
Exploring Computer Science (Middle School)
Exploring Economics (Middle School)
Exploring Leadership (Middle School)
Exploring Parliamentary Procedure (Middle School)
Exploring Technology (Middle School)
FBLA Concepts (Middle School)
Financial Literacy (Middle School)
Financial Math
Healthcare Administration
Human Resource Management
Insurance & Risk Management
Interpersonal Communication (Middle School)
Introduction to Business Communication
Introduction to Business Concepts
Introduction to Business Procedures
Introduction to FBLA
Introduction to Financial Math
Introduction to Information Technology
Introduction to Marketing Concepts
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
Learning Strategies (Middle School)
Networking Infrastructures
Organizational Leadership
Personal Finance
Public Policy & Advocacy
Securities & Investments
Supply Chain Management
UX Design