National Officer Councils

Apply for National Officer Councils

The FBLA High School National Officer Team is supported through student leadership of National Councils. Each officer has a National Council focused on supporting their role within FBLA. As a National Council member, students have the opportunity to serve members throughout the entire organization and make an impact on their membership experience.

Interested in applying to serve as a leader at this level? Start the process to seek approval with California FBLA. Once you receive approval from the state, then you can submit your application to National FBLA. 

Helpful Tips

  • Read the National POW and focus on one initiative that you would be involved with if you were selected for the council.
  • Apply for multiple councils if you can (this increases your chances of being selected)!
  • Some questions are similar and your responses can be reused.
  • Make sure to request for chapter and state approval early!
  • Feel free to reach out to the National Officers or past council members, everyone is here to help you and your leadership journey!
  • Don’t wait to submit at the last minute!
  • National Officers are reading applications on a rolling basis and submitting early shows your dedication!

How Do You Get State Approval?

To get state endorsement for a national council position, a student must email State Adviser Molly Anderson, with the following information:

  • National Council and positions that the student is applying for
  • Current resume
  • WHY you have chosen the partifular council and what you will involvement will bring

Your local chapter adviser should also send an email stating that they support the application.